About us

Sabancı University Inovent A.Ş. (Inc.) is Turkey’s first technology commercialization/accelerator and seed fund company established in 2006 as a for-profit, fully owned subsidiary of Sabanci University. Inovent’s focus is on the commercialization of early-stage technologies with a particular focus on fostering faculty based entrepreneurship.

Inovent’s mission includes fostering awareness of the importance of creating a countrywide dynamic ecosystem that will support innovative technology-based entrepreneurship, dynamic venture capital and angel investor infrastructures while promoting the proper management of intellectual assets and intellectual property portfolio at the core of an entire value management system and a driver of knowledge-based economic development.

Inovent management frequently advises Turkish government authorities on IP/ Patent law, technology transfer infrastructures as well as the creation of risk investment incentives. 

Inovent has considerable experience in mining university technology portfolios for technologies and business plans showing commercial potential.